Born in Thessaloniki Vasileios studied Technical Civil Engineering and continued Geoinformation Msc studies in Wageningen (The Netherlands).He followed courses in telecommunication engineering in Padova-Italy and received pedagogical training. He supervised industrial constructions and worked for architectural studies and three-dimensional digital design. His love for special design and unique creations,turns to design and construction of Thematic Lighting Art installations (Roumelight). Combining objects and light in a special way, changes the utilitarian function transforming them into light sources.Influenced by architectural minimalism and industrial design, using primarily wood, metal, and glass, combined with top-quality energy efficient components, uniquely creative lighting effects and solutions are achieved.
Design and construction is tailored to the individual needs of both the client as well as the specific space, and usually with a distinctive overarching “theme” or presence that takes the work to that higher plane called “art.”